hahaha chan liao so long awol from blog again....
sun nu ask me 2 feature the 28th SC invest last thur.... hmm.... nothing much 2 write atm leh, cos not inspiration. no worries i'll write 1 up tmr or wed with pics to feature it :) hahaha
to round this week...
i went squashing with Wen Jing on sat at JJ hahaha so long nv play squash liao, i relli had a great time! saw the new batch of SC peeps running their camp.. hahhaa hope their camp will b a success!! then ltr at night, went to watch Speed Racer. quite nice hahaha, contrary to wad i expected...
On Sun, went to KKnM then went to PS to watch Accuracy of Death aka Sweet Rain: Shinigami no Seido (Sweet Rain 死神の精度) its a really nice show... go watch if u guys can :)
Quote from movie: There is nothing unique about life, but it is important, just like there is nothing special about the Sun, but it is essential.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
how fun.... quiz quiz quiz... now i got a question.... wad if this quiz reach the last person on earth.... then wad? hahaha
1) Do you wish to get married? come on guys... u noe my answer... how can i not? am a family man after all
2) What do you want the most now? hahaha again u guys already noe... to those who dont, randomly click on the names of the people on the left and ask them heehee
3) Who is the person you trust most? hmm... i trust almost every1 i noe.... u dun gain trust with me, u just lose it.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence? hahaha wad a question to ask... my exsistence is the evidence of my confidence... if i had no confidence, i wont live till now :D
5) If you have a dream come true, what would it be? now wouldnt that be number 2? hahaha would be weird to want something the most yet not ask for it when u can have a wish no? but for me... i wish i could have more wishes hahaha greedy me..
6) Are you satisfied with yourself? hmm.... well i am comfortable with myself, but not entirely satisfied with myself or my life either
7) What are you afraid to lose now? what's "lose"?
8) Do you believe in eternity love? now... wads eternity love? hahaha well, love is only eternal as the sun rising from the east
9) What would you do if He/She hugged you? i'll just hug her tighter and just comfort her with my presence
10) Who do you wanna see right now? now now... i wanna see.... the person who started all this hahaha
11) What kind of people do you hate? hate? no no i dun hate, hate is a bad thing and is a reason y the world is somewad lidat... but then again.... without hate... u'll nv noe love would u?
12) What feeling do you hate the most? hahhaa iron of ironies but i hate hating
13) Do you trust every friendship of yours? hahaha u wldnt call it frenship otherwise right?
14) Do you treasure your family? hahaha refer to question 1 please
15) Do you like carrots? carrots? u mean the thing we draw to show that we are inserting a word in the sentence? i used them a lot :D
16) Wat do you regret most in your life now? haha.... well... haha
17) Why are you doing this quiz? well well.... the same reason as to y the person reading this is reading it :D
18) Why issit that it is difficult to let go of the one you love? because... u wan her to be happy, yet u dunno whether she'd have been happier with u
19) Who are the people who have stood by you when you really were at the worst point of your life so far? my "bros" and "sistas"... i dun share my probs with my family (sad... but i relli dun wanna burden them...)
20) If you could live your life once again, what would you change? hmm.... i'll change a fair bit of things esp those thigns that i regret, but i always believed that there's a reason y things happen...
Instructions:Remove 1 question from above and add in ur personal question.Make it a total of 20 questions.Tag 8 people in ur list.List them out at the end of this post and Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged.Whoever gets the tag, would have a blessing from all.
the 8 lucky peeps:
bi rong (one of the sistas)
bryan (one of the bros)
pearlyn (ah pearl)
esther (honeydew lau)
ching ting (yap yap)
muriel (MONSTER!)
derrick (bei jing da xue)
sin kuan (cai cai)
1) Do you wish to get married? come on guys... u noe my answer... how can i not? am a family man after all
2) What do you want the most now? hahaha again u guys already noe... to those who dont, randomly click on the names of the people on the left and ask them heehee
3) Who is the person you trust most? hmm... i trust almost every1 i noe.... u dun gain trust with me, u just lose it.
4) Do you think you have enough confidence? hahaha wad a question to ask... my exsistence is the evidence of my confidence... if i had no confidence, i wont live till now :D
5) If you have a dream come true, what would it be? now wouldnt that be number 2? hahaha would be weird to want something the most yet not ask for it when u can have a wish no? but for me... i wish i could have more wishes hahaha greedy me..
6) Are you satisfied with yourself? hmm.... well i am comfortable with myself, but not entirely satisfied with myself or my life either
7) What are you afraid to lose now? what's "lose"?
8) Do you believe in eternity love? now... wads eternity love? hahaha well, love is only eternal as the sun rising from the east
9) What would you do if He/She hugged you? i'll just hug her tighter and just comfort her with my presence
10) Who do you wanna see right now? now now... i wanna see.... the person who started all this hahaha
11) What kind of people do you hate? hate? no no i dun hate, hate is a bad thing and is a reason y the world is somewad lidat... but then again.... without hate... u'll nv noe love would u?
12) What feeling do you hate the most? hahhaa iron of ironies but i hate hating
13) Do you trust every friendship of yours? hahaha u wldnt call it frenship otherwise right?
14) Do you treasure your family? hahaha refer to question 1 please
15) Do you like carrots? carrots? u mean the thing we draw to show that we are inserting a word in the sentence? i used them a lot :D
16) Wat do you regret most in your life now? haha.... well... haha
17) Why are you doing this quiz? well well.... the same reason as to y the person reading this is reading it :D
18) Why issit that it is difficult to let go of the one you love? because... u wan her to be happy, yet u dunno whether she'd have been happier with u
19) Who are the people who have stood by you when you really were at the worst point of your life so far? my "bros" and "sistas"... i dun share my probs with my family (sad... but i relli dun wanna burden them...)
20) If you could live your life once again, what would you change? hmm.... i'll change a fair bit of things esp those thigns that i regret, but i always believed that there's a reason y things happen...
Instructions:Remove 1 question from above and add in ur personal question.Make it a total of 20 questions.Tag 8 people in ur list.List them out at the end of this post and Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged.Whoever gets the tag, would have a blessing from all.
the 8 lucky peeps:
bi rong (one of the sistas)
bryan (one of the bros)
pearlyn (ah pearl)
esther (honeydew lau)
ching ting (yap yap)
muriel (MONSTER!)
derrick (bei jing da xue)
sin kuan (cai cai)
Thursday, May 08, 2008
hey hey as promised a feature on Sat's celebration!! hahaha but b4 that WELCOME TO SINGAPORE!! to all peeps that just returned back from overseas! we should have a get-tgt some time soon!!
anyways on sat, to celebrate my belated bday, some of the SC people (Pearlyn, Muriel, Sin kuan, Ching Ting, Benjamin, Wei Hoong and Patricia, oh and shu yun that came later) and i went to Secret Recipe Vivo City for dinner! as usual let the pics do the talking!

mu showing disapproval to beef?

she had this for dinner -_-" beef STEW (still looks like curry IMO) zzz

me being camera shy... ya right!

camwhoring b4 the food came

Pat oil blotting b4 dinner!!

tsk tsk tsk pearlyn unglam!!

Pat, Ben, Pearl, Yap yap

couple?! sy dun angry!!

dance partners!

SEE!!! i told u she was MONSTER!!!!!

man... look wad they made me eat man..... sad life...

i think wei hoong had this...

yap yap's pasta that took so long

Ben, Pearl and my food
wonder wad cai's food was....
then we went to hagan daiz dor dessert!

THE THE THE fondue!


SC unite! hahaha

BTW thats me ice-cream "cake"! cool huh?
Then we went to the roof and chilled.. and played the air hockey game in the arcade!! hahaha

SC gals

the ice-cream "cake" with complimentary dry ice
thats bout it!! ok lah there's more lah but hahaha....
oh yah to the people who dint turn up...... ARGH!!! hahaha joking no worries guys thanks for wishing me happy bday anyways and telling me u were unable to go hahaha. its the heart that counts :D
reply to tags:
wei yuan: belated thanks hahaha... welcome back!
derrick: zzz
sinkuan: nah there u have it
internat: hmm... on msn mayb?
ah tiong: a please i'm not obvious ok... is i m is prominent zzz... haha
anyways on sat, to celebrate my belated bday, some of the SC people (Pearlyn, Muriel, Sin kuan, Ching Ting, Benjamin, Wei Hoong and Patricia, oh and shu yun that came later) and i went to Secret Recipe Vivo City for dinner! as usual let the pics do the talking!

mu showing disapproval to beef?

she had this for dinner -_-" beef STEW (still looks like curry IMO) zzz

me being camera shy... ya right!

camwhoring b4 the food came

Pat oil blotting b4 dinner!!

tsk tsk tsk pearlyn unglam!!

Pat, Ben, Pearl, Yap yap

couple?! sy dun angry!!

dance partners!

SEE!!! i told u she was MONSTER!!!!!

man... look wad they made me eat man..... sad life...

i think wei hoong had this...

yap yap's pasta that took so long

Ben, Pearl and my food
wonder wad cai's food was....
then we went to hagan daiz dor dessert!

THE THE THE fondue!


SC unite! hahaha

BTW thats me ice-cream "cake"! cool huh?
Then we went to the roof and chilled.. and played the air hockey game in the arcade!! hahaha

SC gals

the ice-cream "cake" with complimentary dry ice
thats bout it!! ok lah there's more lah but hahaha....
oh yah to the people who dint turn up...... ARGH!!! hahaha joking no worries guys thanks for wishing me happy bday anyways and telling me u were unable to go hahaha. its the heart that counts :D
reply to tags:
wei yuan: belated thanks hahaha... welcome back!
derrick: zzz
sinkuan: nah there u have it
internat: hmm... on msn mayb?
ah tiong: a please i'm not obvious ok... is i m is prominent zzz... haha
Monday, May 05, 2008
hahaha sorry i awol from blog again zzz
ok lets see.... last week.... was err... hahaha BORING!
will have a feature on my bday celebration tmr (tentative no promise!) ok mayb on thur cos these 2 days a lil bz again
rather bz now, many many many things i need 2 clear... hahaha if only life was as simple as we all wished huh? guess wad? FAT HOPE!! hahaha so no choice have to live with it!
Our lifes are sustained by the sacrifice of another living being on this planet. since you have sacrificed so many things to get this far, lets not let it all go to waste and live your lives to the fullest!
*hahaha sounds a lil sadist.... but its food for thought!
replies to tags:
muuu: u nv even come on msn -_-"" thanks for the bday greeting!
synne: hahaha nothing fishy please... hate fishiness btw hahaha
ah tiong: wah liao! i monster arh? then u wad... cannot imagine... thanks for the bday greeting!
internat: thanks thanks ehh possible arh i wanna talk on msn, got some stuff 2 talk bout (eg ur scandals!!)
shana: thanks thanks!!
angela: thanks thanks oh it aint? i thought it was since people were so nice to me hahaha
tommy: thanks man, happy armying! its relli quite interesting
Ivy: hahaha yup thanks thanks!
wenjing: lets go back on fri!!! hahaha so fun!
P.S. i noticed a trend nowadays, people are like aiming to b the last to wish people happy bday now!! hahahaha i'm so so so guilty of it too! worst i did was like 2 mths after the person's bday
right... forgot to mention hahaha
relli big thank you to all those people who sent ur blessings to me on my birthday! :D
ok lets see.... last week.... was err... hahaha BORING!
will have a feature on my bday celebration tmr (tentative no promise!) ok mayb on thur cos these 2 days a lil bz again
rather bz now, many many many things i need 2 clear... hahaha if only life was as simple as we all wished huh? guess wad? FAT HOPE!! hahaha so no choice have to live with it!
Our lifes are sustained by the sacrifice of another living being on this planet. since you have sacrificed so many things to get this far, lets not let it all go to waste and live your lives to the fullest!
*hahaha sounds a lil sadist.... but its food for thought!
replies to tags:
muuu: u nv even come on msn -_-"" thanks for the bday greeting!
synne: hahaha nothing fishy please... hate fishiness btw hahaha
ah tiong: wah liao! i monster arh? then u wad... cannot imagine... thanks for the bday greeting!
internat: thanks thanks ehh possible arh i wanna talk on msn, got some stuff 2 talk bout (eg ur scandals!!)
shana: thanks thanks!!
angela: thanks thanks oh it aint? i thought it was since people were so nice to me hahaha
tommy: thanks man, happy armying! its relli quite interesting
Ivy: hahaha yup thanks thanks!
wenjing: lets go back on fri!!! hahaha so fun!
P.S. i noticed a trend nowadays, people are like aiming to b the last to wish people happy bday now!! hahahaha i'm so so so guilty of it too! worst i did was like 2 mths after the person's bday
right... forgot to mention hahaha
relli big thank you to all those people who sent ur blessings to me on my birthday! :D
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