with Bryan and Jason at the THE CATHY.
Had dinner at Carl's Jr in PS before the movie.

Jason took all the food!!! argh!!

Our mountain of fries... ok ok i shouldnt have ordered large fries....
watched the movie... which i thought was quite good lah, the effects and stuff,, cept it'd have been better if more additional stuff were added since this is an alternative story after all.
hahaha after the credit there was supposed to b a preview of the upcoming part 2 but they like cut it off... LMAO damned farnie cos teh OTAKUs were like booing lah!! BWAHAHAHA Jokes!

Gathering of the OTAKUs!!! there were like 20+ of the otakus there lah!! they took the huge movie bromide (looks like the picture at the very top) and placed it there so they can take a group shot with it, but they got scolded by the authorities... aww... poor otakus!! hahaha
some random shots

the fatter and whiter version of WEI YUAN!!

activate your AT field! (from evangelion)
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