Wednesday, March 26, 2008

OUTBREAK!! pimples pimples more pimples.... not enuff sleep, quite a lot of stress and somehow cannot get happy ahahaha.... but i drank a lot of water leh... i think my superiors are gonna question my "going to toilet super many times" soon :D

nothing much this week so far.... hope things will be better... jealous jealous jealous!! haiz wish she was mine

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Necron: u can, u do this: type on your address bar above or click on the link here. then in the search bar, type "pictures of rin, rei, asuka". good luck finding

angela: wah lao i put liao u still call me pig, never keep your promise 1.... necron see your gf!! wth lah! aiyah but i bet he'll zhong se qing you 1

internat: wanna b my disciple not? i give u discount, $100 per training session. i garantee that after u go thru 10 of my special trainings u'll surely be able to throw shurikens accurately and fast!!

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